JAZ 20590 - 10" HP Cable-Crimped Bench Wheel, (3x.008" + 6x.014") Steel, 3/4" FW, 1/2" - 2" A.H.
Cable Crimped Wheel Brushes where monofilament wires are substitued by several wires making a cable crimped wire.
- Cleaning, Deburring, Surface preparation
- Tool: Bench-Grinder, Grinder
- Surface: Steel
- In these brushes traditional individual crimped wires (monofilaments) are substituted by several wires making cable crimped wire. These cable crimped wires are made by groups of 0,23 and 0,35 mm diameter high resistance steel wires, making a flexible, compact and aggressive brush.
- The type of finishing and removal capacity is medium. The cable wire 0,35 mm has a similar finishing of the wire 0,30 mm and the cable of 0,23 mm has a similar finishing of the 0,20 mm wire.