Midland Industries 19291B Tee Body, 1/4" Compression x 1/4" Compression x 1/8" MIP, Brass
SKU: 19291B |
Connection Size 1 | 1/4 in |
Connection Size 2 | 1/4 in |
Connection Size 3 | 1/8 in |
Connection Type | Compression|Compression|MIP |
Connection Type 1 | Compression |
Connection Type 2 | Compression |
Connection Type 3 | MIP |
Fitting Type | Tee |
Material | Brass |
Material Construction | Brass |
• Typical Application: Use with copper, aluminum and thermoplastic tubing. Not recommended for steel tubing. Manufactured for low and medium pressure tubing connection work where excessive vibration or tube movement is not involved. Not recommended for application using gaseous media.
•Pressure: See table above for working pressures at 73oF.
•Vibration: Fair resistance - use long nut when greater vibration resistance is needed.
•Temperature Range: -650F to +2500F (-53oC to +121oC) range at maximum operating pressures. (Refer to tubing temperature range.)
•Used With: Aluminum, copper, brass and plastic tubing. Plastic tubing requires insert. Not recommended for steel tubing.
• Tolerance: +/- .02 on all dimensions. Dimension data can change without notice. Please call us when dimensions
are critical.
Approvals: Meets function requirements of SAE J530, J531
Assembly Instructions:
1- Cut tubing to desired length.
2- Slide nut and then sleeve on tube. Threaded end ""A” of nut must face toward fitting.
3- Insert tubing into fitting body. Be sure tubing is bottomed on fitting shoulder.
4- Lubricate threads and assemble nut to fitting body.
5- Tighten nut hand tight. From that point, tighten with a wrench the number of turns indicated in the chart below.