Simpson Strong-Tie HUC410-2 - Concealed Flange Face Mount I-Joist Hanger- G90 Galvanized
You can also view product information related to the categories of:Face-Mount Hangers for Engineered Wood, Face-Mount Masonry Hangers, Joist Framing Connectors for Cold-Formed Steel Construction
The HUC is designed for structures requiring additional strength and safety factors. These face-mount joist hangers have concealed header flanges providing cleaner visible lines in exposed conditions. Some models of this heavy-duty hanger can be special ordered with a skewable seat and a seat that slopes as far as up to 45°.
Key Features
- Extra optional triangle holes for additional load
- HUC-series hangers are tested, load rated and code compliant
- Use all specified fasteners.
- Can be installed filling round holes only, or filling round and triangle holes for maximum values.
- Joists sloped up to 1/4:12 achieve table loads.
- For installations to masonry or concrete, see HUC in Masonry Hangers.
- Can be welded to a steel member. Allowable loads are the lesser of the values in the hanger tables or the weld capacity — refer to technical bulletin HU/HUC Welded onto Steel Members (T-C-HUHUC-W).
- When nailing into solid sawn carrying member's end grain, the allowable load is adjusted by a factor of 0.67.