Simpson Strong-Tie THAR422 - 4x22 Adjustable Truss Hanger, Skewed Right - G90 Galvanized
The THAR/THAL is designed to support 4x2 trusses and 4x beams. This versatile U-shaped truss hanger features positive-angle nailing (PAN) to help eliminate splitting of truss bottom chords. The field-adjustable THAR has a 45° skew to the right, while the THAL has a 45° skew to the left.
Key Features
- Eliminates the need for special orders
- Can be used for top-flange or face-mount installation
- Extra-long straps for height adjustability and top-flange installation convenience
- Use all specified fasteners
- Straps must be field-formed over the header a minimum of 2 1/2"
- Minimum and maximum nailing configurations available — see load table for nailing requirements